Bodiam Castle

Why is Bodiam Castle famous?

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Bodiam Castle is a stunning and iconic 14th century castle located in East Sussex, England. It was built by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge, a former knight of King Edward III, as a defense against the French invasion during the Hundred Years’ War. The castle has become one of Britain’s most romantic and picturesque castles due to its unique design and historical significance. Bodiam Castle has been featured on many television shows and movies over the years, making it one of Britain’s most recognizable landmarks. Its beautiful scenery makes it an ideal destination for tourists looking to experience some medieval history while taking in breathtaking views at the same time.

Bodiam Castle Monument England

The History of Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle is an iconic example of a medieval stronghold, located in East Sussex, England. Originally built in 1385 for Sir Edward Dalyngrigge as a manor house, Bodiam was converted into a castle with a licence granted by King Richard II of England to fortify the walls with crenellations.

Dalyngrigge had fought in the Hundred Years War and upon returning to England, married Elizabeth Wardeux. Through his marriage, he came into possession of Bodiam Manor which was then converted into a castle. It served as a status symbol for Dalyngrigge as well as providing defence against potential French invasion on the south coast.

The castle itself is of a quadrangular design and consists of a moat, drawbridge, and walls that are 4.5 metres thick. Inside the walls, there are four turrets at each corner with battlements running along the top of the walls. The entrance was through a gatehouse located on one side of the castle which was guarded with arrowslits and a portcullis. Inside, there were two courtyards, one of which contained the great hall and the other buildings such as kitchens, storerooms and stables.

Bodiam Castle underwent many changes over the centuries until it was eventually sold to John Fuller in 1925 who then donated it to the National Trust. Since then, it has been open to the public and is a popular tourist attraction in East Sussex.

Today, Bodiam Castle stands as a testament to medieval architecture with its well-preserved walls and turrets. It is an iconic example of what life was like for those living during that time period and a reminder of the importance of defence during times of unrest. Although it no longer serves its original purpose, Bodiam Castle still remains an impressive landmark for all those who visit it.

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