Dublin Castle

Why Dublin Castle Is One of the World’s Best Castles to Visit

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Dublin Castle
From Viator

Dublin Castle is one of the most impressive historical landmarks in Ireland, with a history dating back almost 800 years. It has served as a seat of government, residence for royalty and high-ranking officials, and even as a military stronghold at various times throughout its long history. With its beautiful gardens and courtyards, fascinating artifacts, magnificent architecture and stunning views, it’s easy to see why Dublin Castle is one of the best castles in the world to visit.

The castle itself sits on the River Liffey with lush green grounds spreading out from its imposing stone walls. Once inside, visitors can explore a host of attractions and artifacts from different eras. Art lovers will be enthralled by the restored painted ceilings found in the State Apartments, while architecture buffs can admire St Patrick’s Hall – an impressive 19th century building and ceremonial Dining Room for distinguished guests. There are also several other buildings within the castle grounds such as Chester Tower (the oldest part of Dublin Castle) and Bedford Tower (which houses two museums – The Fusiliers Museum and The Archaeology Museum). All of these attractions reflect different periods in Irish history and make for an interesting exploration into their past.

Visitors to Dublin Castle also have access to some great outdoor areas like the cobblestoned courtyard or pleasure garden that offer fantastic views over the city. The well-manicured lawns are perfect for picnics with friends or family while enjoying a break from sightseeing. Of course no visit would be complete without seeing just what lies beneath – so don’t forget to check out Dublin Castle’s historic underground crypts!

Can you go inside the Dublin Castle?

You can go inside Dublin castle and It is open Daily 7 days a week including bank holidays from 9:45am to 5:45pm. The last admission is at 5:15pm. You can buy tickets for a self guided tour online.

Dublin Castle
From Love to Visit Ireland

Making your way to Dublin Castle is easy with several public transportation options available including buses, trains or trams which can all get you there quickly and conveniently. You can purchase tickets online or at the ticket office on site; all visitors must adhere to social distancing guidelines while on grounds but once inside you can enjoy all that this beautiful castle has to offer. So make sure you add this amazing attraction to your next trip – it really is one of the world’s best castles!

Fast-track Easy Access Book of Kells Tour with Dublin Castle

Dublin Castle
From Viator

Uncover the Rich History of Ireland with a Tour of Dublin Castle and Book of Kells

Discover Ireland’s fascinating past with a unique tour that takes you to two iconic Irish attractions – The Book of Kells and Dublin Castle. Enjoy early access to Trinity College Library and view the renowned Book of Kells without the usual crowds. Listen to your expert guide as they bring medieval Ireland to life, exploring the artistry, meaning and symbolism of this illuminated manuscript. Afterward, explore the grounds of the mighty Dublin Castle – recently restored to its former grandeur – hearing captivating stories about its time as court, fortress, treasury, and jail.

Take in all that Irish history has to offer on this Book of Kells and Dublin Castle exterior tour. Learn more about this incredible tour Fast-track Easy Access Book of Kells Tour with Dublin Castle – an experience you won’t forget! Uncover stunning architecture and centuries worth of history – all while avoiding the masses gathered at more crowded sites. Take advantage of exclusive access to these two popular locations and experience a piece of Irish culture like never before!

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